members of FICTILIS demonstrate the “Yellowbrick Road” walk at Seattle’s NEPO 5K event (photo by Eric Becker)
Artwalking 101 is a series of pamphlets and a short clinic on “Artwalking”, or: “a form of human locomotion that incorporates movements not usually associated with the normal human gait; often dance-like, often an expression of joy, lightheartedness, or insouciance; may be done alone or in groups, in lines or rows; may incorporate props but does not require them; must get person(s) from one place to another.” The clinic is held during other events which bear the title “Artwalk”, events which already purport to hold a comprehensive notion of the potential venues and forms for creative performance. Under the guise of an educational clinic, drawing from various historical and current popular culture sources, participants are encouraged to produce art during an event in which they are primarily involved in consuming it, the only way they can at such an event – while walking.
Artwalking 101
location: Seattle (2012), tbd