Graffiti As Technology As History As Graffiti
#collaboration #installation #participatory #public #text / year 2010 / collaborators Aimee Began / dimensions 12' x 35 ' (x2) / materials chalk on chalboard paint, fixative

(NOTE: Collaboration with Aimee Began.) This mural, created for the Media Gateway room of the new North Quad complex at the University of Michigan, positions graffiti, or drawing/writing on walls, as an ancient (yet still contemporary) technology that complements (or contrasts with) all the new technological possibilities of the “Media Gateway”. It fills the walls with a historical survey of graffiti genres that reference the history of the site (formerly the Frieze Building, Ann Arbor High, Carnegie Library), and the history of U-M in general. The mural is done entirely in white chalk – applied many different ways – over chalkboard paint. Its two sections, in the East and West alcoves of the room, are further divided into an upper and a lower section by a chalked continuation of the picture rail that runs along the rest of the room’s walls. Upper sections are permanently sealed; lower sections are unsealed, and will constantly evolve over time as students erase and add to the piece.


Graffiti As Technology As History As Graffiti
year 2010
collaborators Aimee Began
dimensions 12' x 35 ' (x2)
materials chalk on chalboard paint, fixative

#collaboration #installation #participatory #public #text
